We want YOU to Rock ‘N’ Roll with Project Purple this year! After months of hard work and training, running a marathon (or half-marathon) should feel like a nonstop celebration of your endeavors. What race series works the hardest to provide a party atmosphere for runners all over North America? The Rock ‘n’ Roll Series, of course!
This year, as the Rock ‘N’ Roll series celebrates its 20th anniversary, you can run for your favorite cause and earn some new special special charity bling! Project Purple is excited to announce our official partnership with this Rock ‘N’ Roll celebration. We want you to sign up and join us as we run…or dance…through the streets of your favorite destination city!
Destinations Galore
If you could run anywhere in North America, where would it be? The Vegas strip? The French Quarter of New Orléans? Through historic Old Montreal, in Quebec? By the Washington Monument? The music-filled streets of Nashville? Or maybe sunny California is calling you? Whatever direction your heart is telling you to go, Rock ‘n’ Roll has the perfect event for you. And after training to go the distance, you deserve to enjoy the scenery of your dream location!
A Distance for Everyone
Most Rock ‘N’ Roll races offer a variety of distances for participants. Want to walk or run a 5k? Want to train for a half-marathon? Do you feel like challenging yourself by going the entire marathon distance? Rock ‘N’ Roll has plenty of races where you can do any, or all, of the above.
Rock ‘N’ Roll: Music along the Course
When you run a Rock ‘N’ Roll event, you can expect entertainment in the form of live music from start to finish along the course. With this year marking the 20th anniversary of the series, lots of bands are eagerly hoping to partner with the largest race series in the United States!
The Energy
Many runners return to Rock ‘N’ Roll race events time after time. When asked why, without fail runners say it is because the events have an amazing sense of energy. Peggy McGuinness has run a number of races in the series and says, “I enjoyed Vegas the most. It was the most organized race and had a lot of energy. I definitely like the idea of bands and music on the course, which makes it a little more of a party atmosphere.” Carolina Alirez adds, “The races are organized and you see it on their courses. I love the energy!”
The Project Purple Connection
One of the biggest surprises to come out of the Rock ‘N’ Roll series is the amount of money which runners have raised for charities. Since the series began, runners have raised more than$310 million dollars for their favorite charities. While Project Purple has partnered with specific races in the past, we are now presenting the opportunity for our runners to choose from any Rock ‘N’ Roll Event in North America. As an added exciting incentive, runners will earn a special charity medal in addition to all of the standard goodies and bling.

Rock ‘N’ Roll for Project Purple
Sign up now to Rock ‘N’ Roll at any of the races in the series with Project Purple. No matter where you choose to run, you are guaranteed free entry and all of the special perks of being a Project Purple runner. We give you the tools you need to hit your fundraising goals. In addition, all of our runners have access to our very own Coach Jane, who can help you meet your running goals. Finally, by running for Project Purple, you join a very special ‘family’ united in the goal of Running to Beat pancreatic cancer!
To learn more about running a Rock ‘N’ Roll event with Project Purple, click HERE
To learn more about the Rock ‘N’ Roll series and choose your event, click HERE