
Why sponsor a Project Purple Event?

As a corporate sponsor with Project Purple, you have a unique opportunity to make a tremendous difference in the lives of those battling pancreatic cancer and those who are at risk of facing this disease in the future – all while endearing your brand to our dedicated community. It is excellent exposure to passionate people for an important cause.

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Why pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer has a 13% survival rate – the lowest of all the major cancers in the USA.

Roughly 75% of patients are diagnosed after the cancer has begun to spread.

There are currently no early detection methods and no curative treatments.

With the main form of potentially life-saving treatment being the Whipple procedure, only 1 in 5 patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer find themselves in situations where they are eligible to receive the surgery as the cancer is often found after it has spread to areas that would compromise the value and success of the surgery.

What makes Project Purple Special?

Since inception, we have raised over $3.5 million to fund groundbreaking research – with a majority of our efforts focused in areas that we have determined to have the highest potential to save lives: early detection of pancreatic cancer and curative treatments.

On top of our research efforts, we have a robust patient financial aid program that directly supplies support and resources to those affected by this disease. We’ve helped more than 1,300 families through patient financial aid, providing over $1 million in assistance to help patients afford cost of living and medical expenses while undergoing treatment. We’ve also given more than 3,200 patients a Blanket of Hope care package to help them feel warm, loved, and supported while undergoing treatment.

How might this help my business?


accounts reached
via social media


social media


podcast audio




hours of YouTube
watch time

Due to the difficulties of pancreatic cancer specifically, our community is highly-motivated to improve lives and increase survival rates. So many of us are strongly connected to this disease on an emotional level and are highly appreciative of individuals and businesses who support our mission. This creates a major opportunity to create a strong bond with our loyal audience. We have ambassadors and in-person events in several states and countries every year, as well as virtual events with a worldwide audience. The Project Purple Podcast, with 100,000 plays and counting, is the largest pancreatic cancer-focused podcast in the world, and we have a following on every major social media platform. This allows your sponsorship to reach a broad audience, in addition to website and in-person advertisement presence at our events.