Any Date You Choose | Run any race in the world for our mission! Our Pioneer Program offers runners the chance to participate in races that may not have a full team presence, such as hometown 5k’s, half marathons, or marathons.
Push Pull For PC – Group Fitness
Year-round Event | Join our Push Pull program and get your gym or box involved in supporting our mission. Whether you prefer CrossFit or another type of group fitness, you can sweat for a world without pancreatic cancer.
Virtual Events Series | Purple Paddy’s Virtual 5k
Next Event: Purple Paddy’s Virtual 5k | Can’t make it to one of our in-person events or just want to participate on your own terms? Check out any of our signature virtual events and participate throughout the year from anywhere in the world!
October 26, 2025 | With its start near the Pentagon and finish at the Marine Corps War Memorial, this race is a powerful tribute to the service and sacrifice of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Feb 2, 2025 | Enjoy beautiful Miami while running for a world without pancreatic cancer!