Rachel Teichman – Find creative ways to remember her friend

“One of my best friends passed from Pancreatic Cancer last November,” Rachel Teichman said. “She fought with such strength for eight years that I wanted to do something to honor her.”

Teichman began looking online for organizations that raised money for Pancreatic Cancer patients and research, and she said that Project Purple jumped out to her. She started a GoFundMe to raise $500 for the organization, and said most of her early donations were from friends and family, but that she also wanted to help out small businesses in the community.

“I contacted some places and asked if they wanted to get involved and donate part of their proceeds from purple products,” she said.

In order to get the word out about her campaign she started an Instagram account and website called Curate to Cure. Here she showed off the products from the businesses she partnered with, including Eighteen36, The Bagel Shop & Bakery, Manor, and Ibiss Boutique, which donated parts of their proceeds. Overall, she raised over her initial goal, and bought some products for herself.

“I have these purple velvet pumpkins that remind me of my friend,” Teichman said.

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