A Pioneer is a trailblazer, one who chooses his or her own path. With Project Purple’s Pioneer Program, we support those who want to create their own path while helping others. We need you to be a pioneer in the fight against pancreatic cancer!
Be a Pioneer for Patients
Project Purple has a lot of really cool team events to choose from all over the United States. We have teams in Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Duluth, and many points in between. But Project Purple also has a very vibrant ‘Pioneer Program’ which gives participants the opportunity to raise funds at any event they choose. Now there is a new reason to join our Pioneer Program: 100 % of all money raised will go to Project Purple’s Patient Financial Aid Program!
Why Choose the Pioneer Program?
Some people enjoy doing destination races in cities they have never been to before. Others are trying to pick off a race in all 50 states. Then there are those who fall in love with a particular event and return to run it year after year.
But sometimes traveling for a race may not be possible. Maybe this year money is tight and airfare and hotel is not in your budget. Or maybe work and family commitments make staying local more appealing. You can stay local and be a pioneer with Project Purple!
On the other hand, maybe there is something on your ‘bucket list’ that is not an official Project Purple event. Want to go some place exotic? You can be a Project Purple Pioneer anywhere on earth!
Pioneer Program Offers Flexibility
With the Project Purple Pioneer Program, you can choose any event as a fundraiser. In the past, we have had people participate in running events from the 5K distance to the 100 mile distance.

Others have completed triathlons and obstacle course races as their fundraising event of choice.

Some Pioneer Program participants have done more than one event.

Dream big! In 2015, I ran a trio of events as part of the Project Purple Pioneer Program. I completed the Lincoln Marathon, the Bear Chase 50 mile race and the Bryce Canyon 100 mile race.

Being a Pioneer Gives you Freedom to Choose your Destiny!
Maybe you aren’t a runner and don’t want to be one. You can still raise money to help those with pancreatic cancer. Choose a bike race. Sail your boat in a regatta. Swim across the English Channel (or even just across a pool). If you can conceive of it, Project Purple wants to partner with you!
Our Pioneer Program members receive all kinds of support and assistance in reaching their goals. We provide the tools you need to achieve your fundraising target. If you are a runner, Coach Jane will help you with your running goals. When you reach the $500 fundraising minimum, Project Purple will send you a beautiful technical shirt to wear on the day of your event.
Pioneers are Helping the Patients of Today!
Project Purple is committed to creating a world without pancreatic cancer. We do this through funding research for a cure and for early detection. However, one of our most important goals is helping those who are fighting pancreatic cancer today. We do this through our Patient Financial Aid Program (PFA).
The PFA program helps those who cannot afford to pay medical bills, rent, transportation and other costs related to their cancer battle. The leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical expenses. We at Project Purple believe those who are fighting pancreatic cancer should be able to concentrate on their health and not worry about their bills. By being a part of our Pioneer Program, you will help us to help those who are in a fight for their lives against pancreatic cancer.
To apply to Project Purple’s Pioneer Program, click HERE
To learn more about Project Purple’s Patient Financial Aid Program, click HERE