Project Purple is dedicated to providing financial aid to patients in treatment for pancreatic cancer. Many patients become unable to work due to extreme fatigue, nausea, and other side effects caused my chemotherapy/treatment. Just because someone is diagnosed with cancer does not mean the bills stop. Project Purple is a lifeline for these patients. We assist with medical and everyday living expenses so patients can focus on the fight. We have never denied patient aid to qualified patients. If you or a loved one is suffering from pancreatic cancer, please see the information below about requirements to apply for the Patient Financial Aid program.

Patient financial aid

To apply for financial aid, a patient must:

  • Must reside in the United States
  • Have bills in their name
  • Be in current treatment for pancreatic cancer OR
  • Experiencing post-treatment complications, in remission, and facing consistent medical care for status maintenance
  • Have all documents dated within 3 months of the application date

Items to submit along with application:

Please download the “Program Reference Guide”  for FULL program details.

Summary report from your last office visit or a letter from your oncologist, on their letterhead

Photo ID

Copy of your signed 1040 tax return form for both spouses from last year or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits letter. Other documents are NOT accepted.

Copies of unpaid bills in the patient’s name you are requesting to be paid. MUST include the entire bill statement and the coupon slip you would send back with payment.


  • We pay the lenders directly
  • No reimbursements
  • No payments made to patient
  • We do vet patient’s doctor
  • We will email you with the turnaround time based on the current case load
  • Grants are only awarded once & are not a residual month-to-month payment
  • Patients are eligible to re-apply every 12 months & must resubmit everything

Patients will be notified upon receipt of application. Once all the above information is received, then their case will be submitted to our patient financial aid committee for consideration. As soon as a decision has been made on their case; we will then reach out to the patient with the verdict. Bills will then be paid, and a letter will be mailed to the patient with a copy of any payments made for their records.

Please print our Doctors Guidelines Form and present it to your doctors office when inquiring about a doctor’s note.


You may return the application and all other documents needed via

  • fax it to: (203) 720-2156
  • mail:
    Project Purple
    ATTN: Zina Pnishi
    PO Box 884
    Seymour, CT 06483

Please contact us with any questions you may have at (203) 714-6052 or