Project Purple is now accepting applications for the 2018 Lincoln Marathon team! The Lincoln Marathon partners with Project Purple each year, and the support and generosity from the race and city of Lincoln has been absolutely amazing. When I attended the Lincoln Marathon with Project Purple in 2015, I was incredibly impressed with every aspect of the race and with Lincoln itself. Here are my top five reasons why YOU should sign on to run with the Project Purple team at the 2018 Lincoln Marathon.
1) Project Purple is THE official charity partner for the 2018 Lincoln Marathon.
The Lincoln Marathon has been incredibly generous to our organization over the past few years. In 2011, Lincoln Marathon board member passed away from pancreatic cancer. Jayne was also a former Lincoln councilman and was a beloved member of the community. Since her passing, Project Purple has become the sole charity partner with the marathon. The race committee has shown its commitment to ending pancreatic cancer by forging this partnership and we appreciate their support tremendously.
2) The Lincoln Marathon support is second to none!
The support for the Lincoln marathon is absolutely amazing. People line the course to cheer runners on, helping to make the miles tick by quickly. The volunteers are well-trained in how to make sure runners get what they need quickly. Furthermore, Lincoln calls out the National Guard for the race. No, really, they do. The National Guard is literally out on the course in support of runners, and they are at the finish area cheering you on as you come in. Which brings me to…
3) The finish is in the University of Nebraska football stadium.
The finish of the Lincoln Marathon alone makes running this race worthwhile. By the end of any race, you are tired and ready to be done…but at Lincoln, the finish actually gives you a burst of energy. As you enter the University of Nebraska football stadium, crowds of people are cheering you on and you can see yourself on the Jumbotron. This alone makes the race experience unique and special.

4) Project Purple makes the entire marathon weekend special for the team.
Get to know your fellow team members at the Project Purple pre-race gathering. Hear their stories and share yours with others who understand the impact of pancreatic cancer. After the race, gather together with the rest of the team to share your race experiences. The support provided by Project Purple makes running a race a much more meaningful experience.

5) Money raised for Project Purple through the Lincoln Marathon supports pancreatic cancer research at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Thanks to the support from the Lincoln Marathon, Project Purple provides funding to the outstanding pancreatic cancer research program at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Know that your hard work and donations help create a world without pancreatic cancer.
These are just a few of the reasons why you should sign up today to run the 2018 Lincoln Marathon or Lincoln Half-Marathon with Project Purple. We look forward to having you join us in Lincoln on May 6th, 2018.
To apply to be a part of the Project Purple 2018 Lincoln Marathon team, click HERE.
To learn more about the 2018 Lincoln Marathon or Half-Marathon, click HERE