Episode 298 – Surviving Pancreatic Cancer with Jaclyn Lin

Meet Jaclyn Lin of Northern New Jersey. At 35, she was expecting her second daughter. However, she began experiencing extreme back pains and abdominal discomfort at around week 20 of her pregnancy. When she brought these symptoms to the attention of her OB during a routine visit, further testing was recommended due to the severe and persistent nature of her pain.

Doctors initially hesitated to perform scans or invasive testing due to the risks involved in pregnancy. Despite this, Jackie advocated for herself and, after discussions with her doctors, decided to undergo the necessary scans and a biopsy. However, on the day of the scheduled biopsy, doctors deemed her too vulnerable due to her pregnancy.

Further tests revealed that Jackie’s liver was severely enlarged, causing discomfort. She also noticed increased movement from her unborn baby, suspecting it was due to the limited space caused by her enlarged liver. Additionally, a mass was found at the tail of her pancreas, although it was not yet confirmed to be cancerous.

As a result of the situation, doctors decided that Jackie needed to deliver her baby prematurely in order to proceed with the biopsy of the pancreatic mass. Her daughter was born on August 21st, 2023, and had to be admitted to the NICU. A week later, Jackie received her diagnosis and began treatment on September 3rd, 2023.

Since then, Jackie has undergone 26 cycles of chemotherapy and has had a positive response to the treatments. Her liver has returned to its normal healthy size.

Reflecting on her journey, Jackie acknowledges the immense pressure and challenge of balancing chemotherapy and fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer while caring for a newborn and a toddler at home. She expresses her gratitude for the support she and her husband received from her family, who stepped in to help care for her children during this challenging time.

Jackie continues to be screened every three months to monitor her condition, and she is still undergoing treatment as a palliative measure. Despite the challenges, she views her diagnosis as a blessing in disguise, as it has allowed her to strengthen her family bonds. She continues to navigate being a mom of young children while managing her health, taking things one step at a time according to her scans.

If you would like to connect with Jackie, she welcomes emails at

You can also connect with Jackie via Instagram at or on Facebook “Jaclyn Marie”.

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