Imagine your doctor telling you, “You have pancreatic cancer.” Your chances of survival are extremely slim because there is no cure. You are blindsided. Treatments begin immediately but you are so sick and weak you are forced to take a leave of absence from your job. Your insurance, if you can keep it, covers some of your treatment, but far from all of it. Now you have little or no income and your medical bills are mounting every day. You face terrifying choices: Do you pay for your treatment or your mortgage? Do you pay your utility bill or your car payment? Do you purchase the medications you need to combat side effects or do you pay for groceries?
Every day, Project Purple receives requests from pancreatic cancer patients who are in desperate need of help. These patients are fighting for their lives and hoping for a miracle cure to save them. But their cancer battle is just the tip of the iceberg. They are also facing medical debt which threatens their ability to fight their illness and forces them to make decisions no one should face.
Project Purple wants to assist every pancreatic cancer patient facing these difficult financial decisions, but we need your help. Today we introduce our new Monthly Giving Program which will allow us to fund more critical pancreatic cancer research and provide aid to more patients than ever while streamlining the process for our donors.

Project Purple’s Monthly Giving program will create a stable source of funding each month so we can maximize the number of patients we help through our Patient Financial Aid Program.
Your monthly contribution allows us to process financial assistance requests more quickly. Because monthly giving cuts down on administrative costs, your donation dollars can make a bigger impact on scientific research and in the lives of pancreatic cancer patients.
Splitting up your donations over twelve months makes giving more economically manageable for many people.
Project Purple will provide donors with one tax receipt at the end of the year, helping to simplify the tax filing process.
Finally, it is quick, safe and easy to sign up to make recurring donations through Project Purple’s Monthly Giving program and you can cancel your donations at any time.

Project Purple offers you three ways to donate to our Monthly Giving Campaign.
- 1. Through Crowdrise: Simply click the link and make a donation through Crowdrise. Make sure to check the ‘monthly’ setting.

As a ‘Thank You’, anyone who signs up through Crowdrise as part of the Monthly Giving Campaign will receive a Project Purple Swell Bottle, which retails for $35.
- 2. Set up a monthly draft directly through your bank.
3. Make a recurring payroll donation through your employer. Many companies already have monthly charitable giving programs. Additionally, lots of employers will match charitable contributions. For example, Kevin, a monthly Project Purple donor, loves the ease and convenience of donating through his employer, Ameriprise. Kevin sets up his recurrent gift annually and at the end of the year he gets a summary of his donations on his year-end pay stub and W-2 forms. Best of all, Ameriprise matches Kevin’s donations.
Charitable giving provides physical and psychological benefits to the DONOR. Yes, that’s right. By donating on a regular basis, you are not just helping others; you are also helping yourself. (Read more about the benefits of donating HERE)
Every day, Project Purple Controller John Burke hears from patients in need. He knows the Monthly Giving campaign will allow us to do so much more to help them, and he also knows the benefits don’t end there. John explains, “It is so important for people to have meaning in their lives and monthly recurring donations allows the donor to find meaning through making a consistent positive impact in the lives of others.”
To learn more about Project Purple’s Monthly Giving Campaign, click HERE.