Push Pull For PC – Group Fitness

Push Pull For PC – Group Fitness

Put Your Body to Work for Those Who Can’t 

Pancreatic cancer is tough on the body. With only a 13% survival rate, patients need all the help they can get to keep fighting. That’s where you come in.

Our Push Pull for PC program brings all your gym buddies together, pushing everyone to put in the work by doing good work for your community. It’s a great opportunity to build bonds, and muscle, all while raising funds for patients in need. 

Scroll to the application below to sign up!

This is Fitness for a Cause 

It doesn’t matter if you are lifting weights, doing CrossFit, practicing yoga, or even training for a marathon, all workouts are welcome! If you don’t have a workout in mind, Project Purple has you covered with a pre planned workout that will not only get you moving, but get funds moving for patients and families suffering from this disease. 

  • 20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
  • 11 Pull ups
  • 18 Push Ups
  • 3 Deadlifts
  • 200m Run

Getting gains with Project Purple is simple. All you have to do is fill out the form below to register your gym, box, or fitness group. From there, people can sign up to be members of your workout team. With no fundraising minimums and a simple registration process, anyone can use their fitness to make a difference. 

Every $35 donation you make when you register goes directly towards supporting pancreatic cancer research and patient financial aid, empowering those who are battling to keep fighting. You’ll also receive a free t-shirt when you register that’s perfect for hitting the gym. With your support, we can create a world without pancreatic cancer. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!


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